How To Deal With A Difficult Boss!

You are the luckiest person on Earth if your boss is a happy-go-lucky chap. But, if he is not, this blog is important for you to go through...
A peevish boss can take away your mental peace permanently and you just can't help it if you don't know how to deal with it... 
Today we will be covering certain situations and their ideal reactions in order to help you understand the concept in a practical manner. 

First and foremost situation is something which is very common among most of the Peevish bosses and can be easily addressed if you know the trick well. And that is called Shouting For No Reason. 
This situation needs patience and understanding both. You need to keep calm and understand that why is your boss shouting at you when you are not at fault. This may help you in coming out with many reasons out of which a few will be relevant. Generally it happens when you are expected to do something unsaid which you haven't done. For example, you may be expected to praise his new haircut or appreciate his dressing sense or something of similar type which you simply ignored and that made you face the wrath, and you remain clueless as to what happened and how to react in that situation. But, the answer is simple, understand the boss well, know his likings and dislikings and react accordingly with a proactive approach. This will save you from being a victim to an unexpected rebuking next time.

Another scenario is that your boss assigned you a task which was supposed to be completed within a timeline, but somehow you couldn't complete that. Now, this is not a crime till the time you have genuine reasons behind the delay and the work was not of an emergency or urgent nature 
But, this is definitely a crime if you have a difficult boss who is looking for an opportunity to point finger at you. Therefore, don't delay the work assigned to you if you don't have an understanding boss. In fact, that work might have been given to you for this reason only so that you can faulter and he could take an action against you. However, there is still a way out. Follow that. Keep your boss informed about every action of yours and keep him posted about your engagements. If you keep him updated, and if you had genuine engagements and reasons for not having been able to do your assigned task, you would be in a safe position if things go against you.
Coming to the next episode. This is even more a challenging situation. In this situation, your boss is predetermined to shout at you. You do whatever, he would find a reason to shout at you. And if you don't give him an opportunity, he would create one. This is really a difficult situation because you are a human being and if instigated time and again continually by some you can't avoid, you would have to give in to the situation and there are high chances that you willl react. And the moment you react, you get entrapped. Because, this is what yiir boss had been waiting for. He would then escalate the issue and take you to his boss for getting you issued a verbal warning or a written warning letter. However, after a little retrospection, I have come up with a solution to this situation as well which is now being shared with you.
In such situations, be clear that you are being instigated. It's a trap. Don't let your opponent (boss) win over you. Adopt any of the following options:
1) Smile and behave like a deaf and dumb guy.
2) Make an excuse that you are feeling dizzy and vanish from there
3) Switch on your submissive mode and say yes to everything without even listening to what he is saying and in what tone...
4) Pick up your phone, say you have an urgent call and move away from there for the time being till his heat gets dissipated
5) Start praising him heavily like a sycophant for something out of the context thereby changing the topic and easing the tension in the air 
This will help you come out of that difficult situation.
An initiative that never goes waste, especially when you're dealing with a micromanager is that head off your boss' requests by anticipating them and getting things done before they come to you.
A great start to halting micromanagement in its tracks is to anticipate the tasks that your manager expects and get them done well ahead of time. If you reply, ‘I actually already left a draft of the schedule on your desk for your review,’ enough times, you’ll minimize the need for heis reminders. He will realize that you have your responsibilities on track—and that he doesn’t need to watch your every move.
Trsut these words and keep them with you for lifetime. "Nobody is indispensable in a company, but you can definitely become crucial to your company if you are the expert of your field". Be a Subject Matter Expert. Be the best at what you do. Trust me, if you know your job really well, even a difficult boss can do no harm to you. Just learn to put it in the right manner as well, and across the company. If people know that you are the master of your field, they would be your biggest support when things go wrong between you and your boss.

Now coming to a generic resolution rather than the specific ones, which will help you maintain a cordial relationship with your peevish boss.
And the solution lies in the art of tapping the power of analogy.
Don't try to impress your boss directly. And that's impossible as such. Instead, discuss other topics with him. Understand his interests and prepare yourself on those topics so as to be ready to discuss them with you boss. It may be sports, music, luxury or even backbiting for that matter. Don't worry, do that. Everything is fair in your job. Ethics are applicable in personal life, in professional life, survival is the core. Try this method, you will find the change. It's going to help you definitely. 
Get to know the family details of your boss also. Then wish him on special occasions. Get some sweets for him on special occasions. If there is no special occasion, create one. But, don't give up hanging around with him. Try and spend maximum time with him and learn to enjoy his useless interests. Soon you will start liking them too. Just keep the thumb rule in mind... Nothing comes before livelihood, and your livelihood depends on your boss. You have to tolerate him unless you switch over your job.
Hope these tips will help you deal with your difficult boss. All the best!


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