Relax! My Ego Is Beyond Your Reach, You Can't Hurt It 🙂

At times, a versatile person with multiple talents faces criticism from many people for publishing too often something or else from his kitty of numerous creative activities that are worth sharing but are somehow not taken in a positive spirit by a large mass since they are not comfortable looking at those pieces of work as they are too busy whiling away their precious time in mundane pursuits. This sometimes results into low morale of such a telented person and they feel like giving up their creative work and resort to the routinal occupation like most of the other people. But, that's not the solution. Becoming an inferior person from a superior one because most of the people are inferior is not the solution at all. Hence, we need to boost the morale of such skillful personalities in order to help them come up with even better versions. 
Keeping the above point in view, I am writing this blog wherein I have tried to explain that why such gifted persons are different and better than most of those people who are good at nothing but criticism. To make it more impactful, I have given this blog a personal touch. Enjoy the read!
Many a times I have been asked the questions like "did you feel bad?", "have I hurted your Ego?", "I thought your ego would have been hurt", etc.
So I decided to clarify it through this blog, which would give you some good insights about the real Ego.

First of all, Ego is not the synonym of Self-respect. It is the Self-respect which matters the most. However, being a gregarious person, our ego also matters, which is actually the outer image of yours and not the inner believe that you have in you. Still, as I just mentioned, having an ego is also important, and it is important to protect it as well. But, you must know what hurts your ego and what not. Rather, who can hurt your ego, and who cannot.

Let's start understanding this in detail, but first 
I would like to make it clear that most of you shouldn't feel bothered about hurting my ego because it's beyond your reach. Or if I put it in a little crude way, I may say it like this " Oh Come on! Who are you to hurt my Ego?".

Here comes the explanation:
A person who really has acquired something in life will never talk like this. Because a real achiever is always humble and he/she won't ever hurt anybody's ego.
And what do we call acquiring?.… Acquiring only the money or medals or some fame?... Or is it beyond that?... And the answer is... Yes, it's much beyond that... Acquiring means acquiring the real knowledge of who we are, what our existence is, why are we here on this Earth, and how should we behave being a Human Being. 
You may think that I am taking it to the Spirituality, but no, it's not like that. Any achiever who has something solid in his kitty understands this concept well. Or you may put it across this way as well that... Every Achiever Has Some Spirituality In Himself By Default. And so, he would never waste his time, efforts and resources in doing anything negative. And hurting somebody's ego is definitely a negative deed, so why would an Achiever hurt somebody's ego. And if an Achiever is not hurting my ego, why should I be worried at all about it, because others don't don't matter to me at all. It's as simple as that. I am an Achiever, and I belong to the fraternity of Achievers. I corelate myself only with achievers. And if someone who is not an Achiever, is doing something like trying to hurt my ego, should I be bothered?... No, what for?... Am I here to waste my energy on the inferior breeds?... Not at all... And as I just said above, An Achiever never wastes his time, energy and resources in negative activities, so why would I do so?... Because l just have no time for listening to or feeling about any such statements.

Now coming over to the next aspect that why you are an inferior breed if you are hurting somebody's ego...
This is again simple. 
Because you have time for such activities, or so to say, "you are busy in wasting time". 
And it's so sad to see that most of you are inferior breeds. I am explaining how:
You would not take an initiative. You would not do anything innovative. You are proud of the fact that you got some exam or some interview cleared someday and since then you have been working hard for your organization or company or start up, whatever. No dude, if you are doing so and thinking you are someone great, you are sadly mistaken. People like you can never be an Achiever. And definitely, you can't be a leader ever. Take it in written from me.
Of you have to achieve something big in life, you have to think differently and work hard in that direction. Take some easy tips from me and try to change your life now, if you can:
1) Be Kind
2) Have A Unique Quantity
3) Be Thankful to the Almighty
4) Have Empathy
5) Practice Philanthropy
6) Have a Clean Heart, Don't Hold Grudges 
7) Don't be Oversmart (Refer this Picture Quote below from Shriramcharitmanas; quoted by Lord Shri Ram in the Sunderkand at Chaupai No. 44)
8) Don't be Greedy 
9) Work Hard 
10) Keep Yourself Physically, Mentally and Emotionally Fit
11) Keep Chanting a Holy Mantra Throughout Within Heart (Kalyug Keval Naam Adhara, Sumir Sumir Nar Utarahin Para)
12) Have an Influential Circle of Positive People (Surround Yourself With Those On The Same Mission As You)
13) Advertise 

And if you can't do all this, then don't blame your fate. Rather curse yourself because then You Deserve To Suffer.

Remember the fact:
Fact- 1: If You Want To Have Something You Never Had, You Will Have To Do Something You Never Did.

And if you can't do that, then just be sure of another fact... 
Fact- 2: A Loser Like You Cannot Hurt My Ego 🙂
I can make it further easy for you to help you understand it better.

When you are so-called busy with your friends and families in wasting your time, I put efforts and do something creative which I then promote (Point No. 13 above- Advertise) but you avoidbit by saying that you are busy. And then when I again do something creative and promote it and so on and on, you are not able to handle it and start feeling irriated, and out of irritation, you say something harsh, considering that you have hurt my ego. 
But, No!.
You haven't hurt my ego. Rather you have proved yourself to be a loser. Understand it through the below Flow Chart:
Hurting is something negative you did > An Achiever won't ever get into negativity> You got into negativity> I didn't find it negative > I don't have time for any negativity> I am busy in improving myself (refer Fact- 1) >  You didn't hurt my ego (refer Fact- 2).

And now the final point from my side.
Difference between a Leader (Self) and a Manager (You).
A Leader will first find a Manager.
Then He will approach the Manager.
Then He will follow the Manager.
Then He will observe the Modus Operandi of the Manager.
Then He will utilise the Manager.
And finally He will make the Manager his follower.
First They (Managers) Will Ignore You.
Then They (Managers) Will Laugh At You.
Then They (Managers) Will Fight With (Hurt) You.
Then You Will Win (Managers Will Become Your Followers) 
                  - Courtsey Quote: Mahatma Gandhi 

So, finally I think I have been able to make my point that 

Relax! My Ego Is Beyond Your Reach, You Can't Hurt It 🙂


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